Monday, June 27, 2011

New York and Gay Marriage

Mr. Konecsni's views on Gay Marriage in New York pretty much sum up my views on it: A Pius Man and Gay Marriage (Check his blog out where you can. It's good.)

As for Gay Marriage, I'm okay with it, as long as religious institutions are protected. There might be some lawsuits, but I really don't think that will work (see the Appeals Courts for checks to any activist judges trying to legislate).

But there are bigger issues that I'd rather discuss. Sure, passing Gay Marriage laws in New York feels good, but it doesn't solve the problems that the state currently is facing. The hangover that people will get from passing these laws will be the only real lasting impact it'll have on their lives (asides from the few Gay couples who will marry). Getting taxed out the wazoo has greater impact.

Thus, in closing...good on New York. Now go make something of it.

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